Monday, 5 September 2011

#007 Trying out one of my ideas...

I tried out the idea that I had earlier about folding and unfolding to reveal different images in relation to the work inspired by wordigami (refer to post #003).

At first I wanted to draw it but I thought of doing a trial version first.
this is the outcome:
The unfolding of the work is interesting because one doesn't know what is going to be the next image but visually it is just images of food it lack a sort of "what is this work trying to portray, is it just food?", "so what should I be thinking after looking at it". There is a lack of questioning what one sees.
Perhaps there could be a sort of disturbance created like food contrasted with a face etc. (Qns: Must there always be a sort of bizarreness/ questioning/ disturbance that an artwork should evoke?). I also didn't really like the outcome because I printed the images and stuck onto another paper for convenience and the ends started to curl up, maybe printing and drawing the image directly onto the folded sheet of paper will be more visually appealling.

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