Saturday, 22 October 2011

#024 Layout of my work

I'm moving towards a 'mind-map' or 'timeline' kind of display. Why? Because I want to depict how the images are inter-connected through time. Visually, I also liked the how the mind-map I've created on the theme of 'shadow' is presented. So I'm looking at how such amalgation is presented...

Everytime I look at the images from the book 'Vitamin D', I would get some inspiration. Here is an example of how I've got inspired in creating the content page and layout theme of my works for my graduation book in NAFA.
This is one of my favourite books on drawings

Content page from one of my 3 my graduation seminar books done in 2008
An example page from one of my 3 my graduation seminar books done in 2008
Here's a series of pictures taken from John Clang's exhibtion, the way he presented his works resonates with me. I am inspired by how he'd arranged his works using a single bold black line representing in a timeline that is drawn across entire gallery space. And there secondary lines in red that branches out out the timeline displaying an array of the works done.

I am especially drawn to the arrangement of his works displayed in a corner (image above). I like the idea of displaying my images in the corner of a space. And it links to my concept of how time has made my dad and I really distance especially during the years 1998-2008. It was quite a tough period between us. One reason is because he's always busy and travelling around and another is that those are my teenage years and I was rather rebellious towards him. I just remembered the other day when I was in primary 6, some boy in class was making fun of me saying, "Didn't your Father teach you?" Then I replied, "I don't have a Father". What  an awful remark, our relationship was really tense then...

So by using a corner, the first half could display the collection of silhouttes or images taken when I was young. The ends of the second half could display the current phoot-shoots that I've taken with my dad. I could also have the cut-out messages of my dad's silhoutte displayed accordingly. Then my toy-torchlight could be placed on a shelf for audience to use.

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